I don't normally dress so simple with minimal colors and accessories. When I do, I would add a color pop to it, like I did through the clutch. A gold plate necklace with minimal detail was enough to create the look. Oh, yeah I'm wearing another hi-lo here ;p It seems like the trend has hit me hard.
I don't normally dress so simple with minimal colors and accessories. When I do, I would add a color pop to it, like I did through the clutch. A gold plate necklace with minimal detail was enough to create the look. Oh, yeah I'm wearing another hi-lo here ;p It seems like the trend has hit me hard.
I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts, suggestions, questions, and your lovely ideas! Share me photos, inspirations, drawings, sketches, or other wonderful things! Send them in to:
twitter: @nadyajs
If you are interested to sponsor or promote your fashion, food, or other products and/or advertise at Glitter Dessert, feel free to contact me at nadyajoy@hotmail.com.
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