Time sure flies when you're having fun doesn't it? My one week Singapore holiday is over :( I will post about it soon!
I remember receiving this maxi skirt from Sugarlips Apparel after being drained from a whole day of Maths at school; the skirt surely brightened up my day! What's so gorgeous about it is the unique color blend and it got a slit on each side. The purple color is like a sweep of water color paint isn't it? Oh, and the purple also reminds me of a waterfall <3 To keep the look clean and flowing, I paired the skirt with a white top and outer.
Time sure flies when you're having fun doesn't it? My one week Singapore holiday is over :( I will post about it soon!
I remember receiving this maxi skirt from Sugarlips Apparel after being drained from a whole day of Maths at school; the skirt surely brightened up my day! What's so gorgeous about it is the unique color blend and it got a slit on each side. The purple color is like a sweep of water color paint isn't it? Oh, and the purple also reminds me of a waterfall <3 To keep the look clean and flowing, I paired the skirt with a white top and outer.
I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts, suggestions, questions, and your lovely ideas! Share me photos, inspirations, drawings, sketches, or other wonderful things! Send them in to:
twitter: @nadyajs
If you are interested to sponsor or promote your fashion, food, or other products and/or advertise at Glitter Dessert, feel free to contact me at nadyajoy@hotmail.com.
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