Playing with bold orange and some fresh floral for summer. I would describe my outfit mood as happy, like when you see a garden bursting with blooming flowers. Thanks to my sister for getting me these pants; now I could check off 'eye-cathcing floral cropped pants' off the wishlist ;) I always love playing with colors and bold prints!
Playing with bold orange and some fresh floral for summer. I would describe my outfit mood as happy, like when you see a garden bursting with blooming flowers. Thanks to my sister for getting me these pants; now I could check off 'eye-cathcing floral cropped pants' off the wishlist ;) I always love playing with colors and bold prints!
I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts, suggestions, questions, and your lovely ideas! Share me photos, inspirations, drawings, sketches, or other wonderful things! Send them in to:
twitter: @nadyajs
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Girlfriend Australia April '12
Smashion Interview (March '12) Featured Member
Gadis Magazine (G1 2012): 3rd place in Gadis Fashion Blog Competition