Today's outfit post is a simple soft look: cream shorts and pastel top!
Sorry for being MIA the past week! I've just got back from my holiday in Thailand. So I have this awesome gap between high school and university, that has been filled with some traveling ;p
Today's outfit post is a simple soft look: cream shorts and pastel top!
Sorry for being MIA the past week! I've just got back from my holiday in Thailand. So I have this awesome gap between high school and university, that has been filled with some traveling ;p
I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts, suggestions, questions, and your lovely ideas! Share me photos, inspirations, drawings, sketches, or other wonderful things! Send them in to:
twitter: @nadyajs
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Girlfriend Australia April '12
Smashion Interview (March '12) Featured Member
Gadis Magazine (G1 2012): 3rd place in Gadis Fashion Blog Competition