Liquid leggings sure know how to spice up looks <3
I've worn this pair of heels in a previous post, but I haven't officially introduced it. So meet the new shoe family member from Aldo, which I got on sale in Singapore <3 The ornament makes it party-like and fun, but at the same time it's classy and elegant for the evening or even day time!
Liquid leggings sure know how to spice up looks <3
I've worn this pair of heels in a previous post, but I haven't officially introduced it. So meet the new shoe family member from Aldo, which I got on sale in Singapore <3 The ornament makes it party-like and fun, but at the same time it's classy and elegant for the evening or even day time!
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Girlfriend Australia April '12
Smashion Interview (March '12) Featured Member
Gadis Magazine (G1 2012): 3rd place in Gadis Fashion Blog Competition