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Santa Monica
Tuesday, September 25, 2012, 3:52 PM

Enchanting indeed was my night with Owl City. All the hotness and tiredness faded away when the theater was captured with Adam Young's presence. And you wanna know something? ;) Owl City noticed me,  I was lifting up this heart drawing on my sister's ipad. He pointed that out and asked me to turn it around for the whole crowd to see. <3 <3

Anyways, above are some shots I took when I went to Santa Monica a while ago. Yep, I'm having fun here in LA; going here and there ;) There dress and accessories are 'old but new', as they are from my sister's stash that she left from her college days here.

Dress: random
Necklace: random
Bag: H&M
Sunnies: H&M
Sandals: Beverly Feldman

Photographed by Ivana Joy, edited by me

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