Enchanting indeed was my night with Owl City. All the hotness and tiredness faded away when the theater was captured with Adam Young's presence. And you wanna know something? ;) Owl City noticed me, I was lifting up this heart drawing on my sister's ipad. He pointed that out and asked me to turn it around for the whole crowd to see. <3 <3
Anyways, above are some shots I took when I went to Santa Monica a while ago. Yep, I'm having fun here in LA; going here and there ;) There dress and accessories are 'old but new', as they are from my sister's stash that she left from her college days here.
Dress: random
Necklace: random
Bag: H&M
Sunnies: H&M
Sandals: Beverly Feldman
Enchanting indeed was my night with Owl City. All the hotness and tiredness faded away when the theater was captured with Adam Young's presence. And you wanna know something? ;) Owl City noticed me, I was lifting up this heart drawing on my sister's ipad. He pointed that out and asked me to turn it around for the whole crowd to see. <3 <3
Anyways, above are some shots I took when I went to Santa Monica a while ago. Yep, I'm having fun here in LA; going here and there ;) There dress and accessories are 'old but new', as they are from my sister's stash that she left from her college days here.
Dress: random
Necklace: random
Bag: H&M
Sunnies: H&M
Sandals: Beverly Feldman
I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts, suggestions, questions, and your lovely ideas! Share me photos, inspirations, drawings, sketches, or other wonderful things! Send them in to:
twitter: @nadyajs
If you are interested to sponsor or promote your fashion, food, or other products and/or advertise at Glitter Dessert, feel free to contact me at nadyajoy@hotmail.com.
Girlfriend Australia April '12
Smashion Interview (March '12)
Clozette.co Featured Member
Gadis Magazine (G1 2012): 3rd place in Gadis Fashion Blog Competition