I finally did an outfit shoot in Melbourne, thanks to miss photographer Aida Gunawan. She's majoring in photography in RMIT; how cool is that? These shoots took place in Royal Botanical Gardens. It looks like I'm so calm in these photos, but I was actually maintaining my balance from letting myself fall. For the outfit, I just went for a simple and classy white dress layered with an off-white crochet top. And of course gold chain accessories can never go wrong. I am also in love with my new flower crown which adds femininity and grace and blends so well with the serene atmosphere of the photos.
I finally did an outfit shoot in Melbourne, thanks to miss photographer Aida Gunawan. She's majoring in photography in RMIT; how cool is that? These shoots took place in Royal Botanical Gardens. It looks like I'm so calm in these photos, but I was actually maintaining my balance from letting myself fall. For the outfit, I just went for a simple and classy white dress layered with an off-white crochet top. And of course gold chain accessories can never go wrong. I am also in love with my new flower crown which adds femininity and grace and blends so well with the serene atmosphere of the photos.
I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts, suggestions, questions, and your lovely ideas! Share me photos, inspirations, drawings, sketches, or other wonderful things! Send them in to:
twitter: @nadyajs
If you are interested to sponsor or promote your fashion, food, or other products and/or advertise at Glitter Dessert, feel free to contact me at nadyajoy@hotmail.com.
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