Here's a video teaser that I took part in for Folka magazine, an Indonesian based online magazine that covers fashion, celebrities, health, and lifestyle that just launched this month. Besides me there was also a local TV host, a radio announcer, and some university students that are in the video. You can read their magazine herefor free!
It seems that I'm not able to upload both videos in one post, but you can watch the other version here.
Here's a video teaser that I took part in for Folka magazine, an Indonesian based online magazine that covers fashion, celebrities, health, and lifestyle that just launched this month. Besides me there was also a local TV host, a radio announcer, and some university students that are in the video. You can read their magazine herefor free!
It seems that I'm not able to upload both videos in one post, but you can watch the other version here.
I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts, suggestions, questions, and your lovely ideas! Share me photos, inspirations, drawings, sketches, or other wonderful things! Send them in to:
twitter: @nadyajs
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Girlfriend Australia April '12
Smashion Interview (March '12) Featured Member
Gadis Magazine (G1 2012): 3rd place in Gadis Fashion Blog Competition